Christmas Jars

  • Drama
  • English
  • 2019
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christmas jars 2019

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Drama
  • Language - English
  • Available languages - English


  • Producer - Shane Boucher, Melissa Puente
  • Director - Jonathan Wright

Music - Christopher Guglick

Cast - Jeni Ross, Markian Tarasiuk, Tara Yelland, Zerha Leverman, Krista Jang, Jodi Larratt, Julia Scarlett Dan, Ron Lea, Doug Murray, Jennifer Gibson, Steve Love, Jennie Esnard, Nadine Whiteman, Eddie G., Sean Tucker


Duration - 1h 33m

Type - Color


Based on the bestselling novel by Jason F. Wright, it tells the story of reporter Hope Jensen, who uncovers the remarkable secret behind the "Christmas Jars" - glass jars filled with coins and bills anonymously left for people in need. Christmas Jars is a phenomenon with a reach far beyond that of a typical novel, as it created a new tradition that has changed the lives of many people in their time of need all over the country.