Toofani Tirandaj

  • Mythological
  • Hindi
  • 1947
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toofani tirandaj 1947

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Mythological
  • Language - Hindi


  • Director - Boman Shroff

Cast - Boman Shroff, Sona Chaterjee, Prakash, Dalpat

Screenplay - Boman Shroff


Type - Black And White


The Tyranny Of The Bandit Jayasingh Who With The Help Of Rebel Durjansingh Succeeded In Displacing The King Fatehsing Of Vijaynagar Reached Its Peak. The King Had To Run Away With His Daughter Laxmi To A Distant Place Which They Somehow Reached With The Help Of A Float In The River.But What One Sowsone Reaps Is True For All Times. On The Day Of The 15Th Anniversary Of The Coronation Of The New King Durjansingh Who Had Now Succedded To The Throne A Present Awaited Him And On Opening This Presentation Box He Was Faced With Bleeding Head Of His Tyrannous Commander Ramsingh. This Also Brought To Him The News That Old King Fathesingh Whom He Thought Dead Was Alive. He Then Decided To Launch On All Out Attack Against Fathesingh. There Was But A Small Band Of Workers In The Service Of The People Led By A Patel Of Ramgarh His Daughter Sundari And Pratap In Fact The Brother Of The Bandit Jayasingh Who Had Driven Him Out Of His Den. Rajkumar Was Named The Successor Of Durjansingh. But Jayasingh Wanted The Throne For Himself. He Therefore Planned A Trick And Trapped The Rajkumar Through A Game Of The Step Mother Queen And Got Order For His Arrests. Here Enter Laxmi, On Her Horse To Save The Prince On Time From Lions Cage. Known As Toofani Tirandaz, She Tied Up All Soldiers And Went On To Revengewith The Help Of Two Of Her Most Loving Friends Of Dr. Nathoo And Dr. Buddhoo With Their Great Invention, Austin Ki Bachchi.