Boond Jo Ban Gayee Moti

  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Hindi
  • 1968
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boond jo ban gayee moti 1968

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Crime, Drama
  • Language - Hindi


  • Producer - V. Shantaram
  • Director - V. Shantaram

Cast - Jeetendra, Mumtaz Askari, Akashdeep, Vaishali, Surendra, Lalita Pawar, Nana Palsikar, Paresh Kumar, Balam


Duration - 2h 36m

Type - Color

Grade - A+


Satyaprakash Takes Up A Job As A Teacher With A Government-Run School In A Village. He Has A Younger Brother, Mahesh, Who Is Pursuing Studies In The City, And He Has Undertaken To Let The Latter Complete His Studies And Establish Himself. He Is Romantically Pursued By A Tangewali, Shefali, Whose Life Will Face Turmoil When Her Estranged Mother - Who Had Married A Male Of Another Faith And Converted To Christianity - Re-Enters Her Life. While Satyaprakash Continues To Provide For Ever-Needy Mahesh, Another Woman, Renuka, The Daughter Of A Lawyer, Is Also Attracted To Him. Then His Life Will Be Turned Upside When His Unique Teaching Methods Will Not Only Be Questioned But He Will Be Arrested And Charged With Killing A Pregnant Renuka.