Jungle Ka Jawahar

  • Mythological
  • Hindi
  • 1953
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jungle ka jawahar 1953

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Mythological
  • Language - Hindi


  • Producer - Basant Pictures
  • Director - Homi Wadia


Cast - Dalpat,Fearless Nadia,G. Goldstein,John Cawas,Leela Kumari,Rajani,Shyam Sunder


Duration - 1:41:07

Type - Black And White

Grade - B

Censor Rating - U


In The Heart Of The Dark Jungles Of Unexplored Territory Of Simbola Reigned Sheena The Queen Of The Natives. She Had A Grudge Against A Good Doctor And His Daughter Who Were Doing Humanitation Work There Beacause Te Doctor Had The Possession Of A Rajanishan Given To Him By Sheebas Late Father. . Another Person Named Kiran An Unscrupulous Scoundrel From Civilised City Had Also His Own Plan To Catch Hold Of The Rajanisthan Which He Hoped Would Open A Door To The Late Kings Treasure Of Diamonds. For That. He Brought With Him To The Jungle The Good Doctors Brother Who Tried To Take The Place Of The Doctor. . But They Had Not Calculated On The Opposition Of Mala, The Daughter Of The Doctor And Vijay The Pilot Of The Plane Which Brought Kiran To Simbola. Again And Again Sheena And Kiran Tried To The Good Forces To Win Their Evil Ends But Not One Of Their Tricks Succeeded And In The End They Had To Submit To The Good Forces.