Karmanye Vadhikaraste (Hindi Dubbed)

  • Thriller
  • Hindi
  • 2021
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karmanye vadhikaraste hindi dubbed 2021

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Thriller
  • Language - Hindi
  • Available languages - Hindi


  • Producer - Ramesh Ramaiah
  • Director - Sri Hari Anand

Cast - Prateek Subramani, Divya Gowda, Abhishek Shetty, Suryakanth Gunakimath, Natya Ranga Etc,


Duration - 1h 21m

Type - Color

Grade - A+


When Archeologist Dr Gunkimath Dies Out Of Heart Attack, The Suspicions Around His Death Raises A Lot Of Speculations And Doubts Stating It Could Be A Cold Blooded Murder, That Might Link With A Century Year Old Artifact.Jhanvi Along With Devaki Nanda Shashtri Set Out On A Journey To Find Out The Truths Which Can Only Be Solved If They Dug The Past Of The Artifact That Goes Back Centuries. The Rest Of The Journey Is A Roller Cooler Thriller With Conflicts Of All Levels That Can Take Out The Buried Truth Out Of The Grave. How Will Devaki And Jhanvi Surpass Everything Leads To An Unexpected Climax. An Edge Of Seat Entertainer For Sure.