Mother’s Deadly Son

  • Mystery
  • Thriller
  • English
  • 2022
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mothers deadly son 2022

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Mystery, Thriller
  • Language - English
  • Available languages - English


  • Producer - Christopher Kinsman, Chris Lancey, Matt Easton
  • Director - Chris Lancey

Music - Christopher Cano

Cast - René Ashton, Brittany Underwood, Noah Fearnley, Maurice Hall, Chris Cleveland, Jeremy John Wells, Gianmarco Duin, Skye Lily Ashford, Addison Bowman, Sean Cavaliere, Daniel Ballard


Duration - 1h 26m

Type - Color


Brothers Jacob and Ayden are racing to climb a rock when Ayden falls from the top and dies. When Jacob is accused of killing his brother, their mother, Marianne, must fight to prove his innocence. As Marianne discovers secrets, both her sons are keeping the truth about who killed Ayden is finally unearthed.