
  • Crime
  • Thriller
  • Hindi
  • 2023
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parvatinagar 2023

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Crime, Thriller
  • Language - Hindi


  • Producer - Rohan Pingal, Shubham Sonawane, Takshashil Sontakke, Ameya Tanavade
  • Director - Takshashil Sontakke

Cast - Raj Sane, Payal Pande, Mihir Kulkarni, Chandrakant Kadroli Etc,


Duration - 1h 55m

Type - Color

Grade - A+

Censor Date - 15-09-23


Police Arrest Former Lover 'Arvind' Of A Prostitute 'Shweta' For Her Murder . The Police Are Suspicious Of Arvind But Have No Evidence To Support It. After Getting Beaten Up By The Police, Arvind Reveals Shocking Details About Her Friend 'Mahesh' And Shweta'S Husband 'Sandesh' Which Leads The Police Down A Rabbit Hole And A Carefully Constructed Dead Ends By Someone Too Diabolical For The Justice System. The Movie Delves Deep Into Layers Of Deception And Shows How People Are Not Always What They Seem. The Atrocious Mystery Behind Shweta'S Murder And Its Connection With Arwind Is Divulged In The Latter Half Of The Movie.