Subah Ka Tara

  • Romance
  • Hindi
  • 1953
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subah ka tara 1953

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Romance
  • Language - Hindi


  • Producer - V. Shantaram
  • Director - V. Shantaram

Cast - Pradeep Kumar, V. Shantram, Jayshree Gadkar, Shakuntala, I.T. Nimbalkar, Kumari Naaz


Duration - 1h 47m

Type - Black And White

Grade - A+


Padmini a widower comes across Mohan while taking medicine for her mother,her mother has warned h to be away from young men and be in her white clad Saree.After her mother's death she goes to her uncles house whose gone to Africa and her aunt ill treats her.Mohan falls ill seeing situation of Padmini and is looked by his mother and sister.Mohan arrives at Padmini uncle's house as a prospected groom for her cousin Bharti,Bharti's mother over hears Mohan's feeling towards Padmini and throws her out of the house.Padmini now has to fend for her own self while Mohan continues her search.