Teen Bahuraniyan

  • Family
  • Hindi
  • 1968
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teen bahuraniyan 1968

Other Information

  • Categories - Film
  • Genre - Family
  • Language - Hindi


  • Producer - S. S. Vasan | S. S. Balan
  • Director - S. S. Vasan,S.S. Balan

Music - Kalyanji Anandji

Cast - Agha,Dhumal,Prithviraj Kapoor ,Ramesh Deo,Shashikala


Duration - 2:27:45

Type - Color

Grade - A

Censor Rating - U


Retired School Teacher Dinanath Was A Happy Man Leading A Contended Life, With His Three Sons And Their Wives. Film Star Sheela Devi Came To Live As Their Neighbour. Enamoured Of The Stars Glamour, The Boys And Their Wives Tried To Put On A Show Of Being Very Rich. Dinanaths Efforts To Reform The Younsters Failed. . One Day, As A Bolt From The Blue, There Came An Anonymous Letter To Each Of The Daughter-In-Law.

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